Thursday, 15 October 2015

Me versus thinking and boxes

Think outside the box

I've found this one strange for a long time so I was pleased to finally tackle it.

I do most, if not all, of my thinking outside boxes so I'm not sure why this phrase gets such a regular outing. I think in houses, offices and cars which can be described at being a bit boxy but aren't actual boxes. The only way I could get to the bottom of this would be to think in a box.

I needed a box. A box to think in. A box big enough that I could actually get in.

I popped over to my parents' house. They still have the box their television came in. My young nieces sometimes play in it. It's a boat or more often a spaceship to them. To me it was just a box.

My parents have been used to odd behaviour down the years but I don't think they were expecting me to get into a large cardboard box and sit quietly. They first enquired into what I was doing ("thinking") and then to the state of my health ("I'm alright, leave me alone for a minute").

They were relieved when I finally got out of the box and carried on helping them with the crossword and enjoying a cup of tea as if nothing had happened.

And thinking in a box? Much the same as the thinking outside of a box. Only more cramped and darker.

Conclusion: Inside a box, outside a box. It all seems to be the same. Do your thinking wherever you see fit. But see fit to do some thinking.

Me versus Hooks and Slinging

Sling your hook Some of these don't take a lot of thinking about to put together - see throwing hats into a ring for instance. Others v...