Thursday, 16 January 2014

Me versus Cocked Hats

Knock it into a cocked hat

My first thought before I tackled this one was 'what the heck is a cocked hat?' I turned to my old friend Wikipedia which informed that it's another name for a bicorne or, if you can't be bothered to click the link, is also known as 'that hat Napoleon used to wear'.

Rather than waste my money buying one I took a trip to the nearest fancy dress emporium and hired one. I realised afterwards that this limited me on what I could knock into it. If I wanted my deposit back then I certainly couldn't knock soup in it or mud or used tissues from my current bout of Australian Killer Flu.

The actual Napoleon in an actual hat

I discovered another problem when I got the hat home. It won't stand up on it's own. The crown of the hat is shaped so that the hat will, more often than not, topple over. I was going to have to lean the hat up against something before I could knock something in it.

Eventually I wedged it up against the desk and knocked a screwed up piece of paper in. It was disappointingly unsatisfying. I might as well have knocked something into a bin.

Conclusion One: If you want to knock something into a hat, use a more versatile one that you can place where you have things you might need knocking in. A boater perhaps.

Conclusion Two: Or buy a bin.

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