Saturday 19 September 2015

Me versus beans and spillages

Spill the beans

Some of these investigations take a long time. Some don't draw a straightforward conclusion. This is neither. This is simple. Don't spill beans.

I have tried spilling lots of different beans in case there was a subtle difference in the results or I could point you at a bean or beans that it might be worth spilling.

I tried broad beans, runner beans, kidney beans, black beans, green beans, pinto beans, mung beans, soy beans, butter beans, fava beans, haricot beans, French beans, cannelini beans and particularly baked beans.

In every instance it made a mess to a greater or lesser degree, it was wasteful and I had to clear up the aforementioned mess.

Conclusion: If you're thinking of spilling beans, don't. No good will come of it.

Me versus Teaching and Not Doing

Those who can do, those that can't teach Pretty good one to test this. If only I could think of something I can't do... only joking....